- 1. Every Teacher shall discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently to match with the academic standards and performance norms laid down by the Institute Management from time to time.
- 2. Every Teacher shall update his/her knowledge and skills to equip himself/ herself professionally for the proper discharge of duties assigned to him/her.
- 3. Every Teacher shall conduct himself/herself with absolute dignity and decorum in his/her dealing with the superiors, colleagues and students every time.
- 4. No teacher shall absent himself/ herself from duties at any time without prior permission from higher-authorities.
- 5. No teacher shall accept any honorary or other assignment given to him/her by any external agency without the prior permission of the Institute Management.
- 6. No teacher shall associate with any political party or take part in any other organizational actively, which is not in line with the duties and ethics of the teaching profession.
- 7. No teacher shall attempt to bring any political or outside pressure on his/her superior authorities in respect of service matters.
- 8. No teacher shall participate in any strike or demonstration and /or indulge in any criticism of Institute Management policy or of the Government for any reason whatsoever.
- 9. No teacher shall act in any manner that violates the norms of decency or morality in his/her conduct or behavior inside and outside the Institute Campus.
- 10. No teacher shall incite, provoke or instigate any students or any other member of the staff into any form of action against the Institute Management, or that seeks to disrupt the academic activities of the Institute.
- 11. No teacher shall degrade, harass or insult any other person for any reason whatsoever or act in a manner unbecoming of the teaching profession.
- 12. Every teacher in the service of the Institute shall at all the time strive for academic excellence in the discharge of his/her duties and conduct himself/herself in the manner of a perfect role model for others to emulate.
- 13. The Institute Management may, however, at its sole discretion provide an opportunity to the teaching staff for presenting his/her case through a personal hearing before taking a final decision. The decision of the Institute Management will be final and binding and will not be subject to any appeal to any individual or forum.
- 1. Mr. /Ms. /Dr. _______________________________ (name of the faculty) is appointed on ______________________ in the Department of _______________________.
- 2. The teacher appointed in the Institute will be on probation for one year from the date of joining subject to the approval of her/his qualifications by Dr.KNMEC.
- 3. On completion of one year, the management may extend, if necessary, the probation for one more year after reviewing the performance of the teacher and his/her commitment to the vision, mission and goals of the institution.
- 4. During the probationary period if the teacher wants to leave the service at the end of an academic year he/she should give one month notice or one month pay in lieu of the notice.
- 5. If a teacher wants to leave the service after the completion of probationary period at the end of an academic year he/she shall give three months’ notice or three months’ pay in lieu of notice.
- 6. Any teacher who wants to leave the service in the middle of an academic year shall pay three months’ salary.
- 7. The Teacher agrees to execute all the work assigned to him/her by the Head of the Institution and the Head of the Department from time to time honestly and sincerely and carry out all the orders of the superiors.
- 8. The Teacher undertakes to fully abide by the leave rules and the code of conduct, copies of which have been linked to him/her and to which he/she is fully submitted as an integral part of the contract of employment with the Institute.
- 9. The Institute Management has the full authority to terminate his/her services by virtue of its authority and discretion, after issuing one month’s notice or one month’s salary in lieu thereof in respect of confirmed teachers who are not found to be compatible with the mission of the Institute.
- 10. The teacher undertakes not to carry on any other trade, business, or activity which goes against the contract of employment with the Institute, He/she shall not accept any work outside the Institution without the permission of the Secretary of the Institute, conduct any trade, business or like activity, raise/receive any money / donation without in any way tarnishing the name and goodwill of the Institute.
- 11. The Teacher shall actively associate, involve, participate herself in all the Institute activities and programmes irrespective of the Department, he/she belongs to. He/She shall motivate his/her students likewise to actively involve, associate and participate in the various programmes and activities of the Institute.
- 12. The Teacher shall not only confine his/ her activities to the classroom teaching but involve himself/herself in all the efforts of the Institute in giving extra inputs to the students so as to make the students not only academically brilliant, but a confident, competent and fully developed personality.
- 13. The Teacher shall not indulge in any organized anti-institutional activity and shall not promote, abet, assist or motivate any segregation among students or unhealthy activity.
- 14. The Teacher shall not directly apply for or seek another job except through the Secretary of the Institute.
- 15. The Teacher shall report to the management, if there is any criminal complaint, action/proceeding lodged against him/her in any police Station, Court or Forum.
- 16. The Teacher shall not collect any money under any pretext from any one including students, except when he/she is specifically authorized by the Management in writing, for any particular fund raising programme.
- 17. The Teacher shall not hold any money collected on behalf of the Institution for more than 24 hours. The teacher shall settle the advance taken from Institution within 7 days of completion of the programme.
- 18. The Teacher shall abide by the code of conduct and leave rules enclosed with terms and conditions of service hereto.
- 19. The Institute may at any time, terminate the services of any probationary or confirmed teacher, if he/she is found guilty of any of the acts like Professional incompetence, violation of the code of conduct, willful negligence of duty, failure to discharge any of the duties assigned to him/her, insubordination, any form of political/anti-institutional activity and/or breach of code of conduct, and/or does not abide by the leave rules.
- • The total number of casual leave allowed to employees in an academic year is 12 days.
- • Casual leave can be combined with any other leave or notified holidays/authorized holidays.
- • Casual leave taken along with any other leave or notified holidays shall not exceed 5 days at a time.
- • The period of absence under casual leave will be treated as “ON DUTY’ for all purposes.
- • Application for casual leave must contain the purpose for which the leave is requested.
- • Application for causal leave must invariably be submitted and the sanction obtained before availing the leave. If however, due to unavoidable circumstances, it is not possible, the leave application must be submitted immediately after rejoining the duty.
- • Casual leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right and the sanction is linked to the exigencies of service.
- • The sanctioning authority has the discretion to refuse or postpone leave of any kind on grounds of exigencies of service.
- • The number of days of casual leaves remaining unavailed, under casual leave at the end of the calendar year will lapse and cannot be carried over to the next calendar year.
- • The eligibility of casual leave will be calculated with reference to the period of duty of the employee in the commencing year of service, at the rate of 1 day casual leave for every month served.
- Every confirmed female teaching staff will be eligible for maternity leave of a maximum of 60 days during her entire period of service for any one of the first two babies. Maternity leave under this category must be supported by adequate documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the management. The leave is subject to the discretion of the management and exigencies of service and` cannot be claimed / allowed as a matter of right. If the academic exigencies of the Institute warrant an appointment of a substitute teaching faculty, the management shall have the discretion to sanction the leave either on loss of pay or on half pay and allowances. The evaluation of exigency will be at the sole discretion of the management.
- Every permanent employee in the Institute shall, hereafter earn a special leave of 9 days for every completed year of service for the enhancement of their Academic quality only. This shall not have any retrospective effect. The leave earned by the employee can neither be encashed nor accumulated. But requests for availing such leave shall be only for valid reasons with necessary documentary proof.
- 1. No leave under any category can be claimed as a matter of right and must always be invariably applied for in advance and sanction obtained.
- 2. The staff shall make themselves available for duty/other work if required by the management on notified/ Government/Weekly holidays.
- 3. Leave on Loss of pay shall not exceed 15 days in total during an academic year and prior sanction must be obtained before availing the same. Loss of pay will be accounted then and there and it will not be allowed to be adjusted or carried forward against future pay and allowances.
- 4. All leave applications shall be supported by documentary evidences (when availing Maternity leave under special leave) and shall be submitted for sanctions by the competent authority well in time. The teaching staff shall always furnish his/her leave address and contact phone number at the time of availing leave