Dr. K.N. Modi Engineering College has a hi-tech Wi-Fi campus. The institute’s LAN is a state of the art switched network with fiber optics and enhanced CAT6 UTP backbone. The institute has 45 Mbps (1:1) circuit from reliance on OFC.
The institute is using cyber roam (UTM ) to manage internet bandwidth, mailing services, firewall, anti spam controller, content filtering and anti virus protection at gateway level. The students are exposed to up-to-date curriculum, technology and techniques and motivated to strive for pursuit foe excellence and introduced to emerging technologies like, ‘Cloud Computing’, ’Mobile Computing’, ‘N Computing’, ‘Soft Computing’ and ‘Image Processing’. ERP system is implemented at all our institutes in that each student is provided with a contactless smart card for access control. In this, all students/parents directly receive information via SMS or email-attendance information, exam results, course material, companies for campus recruitment.