The research and development cell is established in the Institution to promote basic and applied research in the field of engineering and science among the students as well as faculty members. The prime objective of this cell is to promote and to encourage the aspiring students and faculty to carry out the research in the field of science, engineering& technology.
The R & D Cell is a portal for innovative learning and progress of knowledge through research. It acts as a catalyst in bridging skill gap and creates a world class practical training environment. This cell operates with the spirits of responsibility, integrity and professionalism and thinks with speed, flexibility and open-mind. The activities of the cell are:
Industry Institute Interaction
Research Publications
Faculty Development Programme
Relationship and Professional Activities with IEEE, IEI and IETE etc.
The R & D Cell is headed by the Director assisted by a team of experienced and qualified staff. The committee member includes:
Dr. K.N. Modi Institute of Engineering & Technology is undertaking several initiatives to significantly enhance its capability in research programs. The research had been done in various technologies which includes mobile electronic communication device, SMS security, mobile agent, cloud computing, wireless sensor network, neurostimulator.
A credit card fraud detection system based on artificial intelligence techniques through machine learning
Faculty Name: MS. SHWETA GUPTA
Design and Implementation of I-T-2 FLC for Magnetic Levitation System, Advances in Electrical Engineering system journal, world science publisher, United state, Vol. 1, no.2, pp. 116-123, 2012
Faculty Name: MR. PRATIK DUBEY
Cochlear Implant Using Neural Prosthetics, Advances in Electrical Engineering system journal, world science publisher, United state, ISSN 2278-7763, October 2012, Vol. 1 , issue 5
Mobile Electronic Communication Devices Based on Bionics, Hosted by SRM University, NCRDCIT'12
SMS Security For Commercial Purposes Using Encryption and NTRU Cryptosystems A Comparitive Analysis of Routing Protocols For Mobile Adhoc Networks, Hosted by SRM University, NCRDCIT'12
Faculty Name: MS. SHWETA GUPTA
Mobile Electronic, Hosted by SRM University, NCRDCIT'12
Faculty Name: MR. ANUPAM KUMAR
Design of interval type-2 FLC for MW with reduced rule based. Hosted by International Conference on Computing Communication and Network Technologies(ICCCNT-2012)(IEEE).
Faculty Name: MR. AMIT AGARWAL
Wireless Sensor Network For Crowded Spectrum Image Processing segmentation for secure fingerprint, Hosted by TSPC-11.
Free Open Source System Software. Hosted by First National Conference in Sunderdeep Engg. College.
Java Based Mobile Agent. Hosted by Shobhit University - CICON 13 - Third National Conference
Java Based Mobile Agent. Hosted by Shobhit University - CICON 13 - Third National Conference
Faculty Name: Mr. D.K.Nishad
FACTS Devices and their Modeling: An Overview & issues. Hosted by National Conference, Kamala Nehru Institute Technology, Sultanpur-228118(U.P.), India.
Frequency controller for parallel hydel wind power generation. Hosted by Presented in National Conference on Recent Trends in Energy system(NCRTES-2013)
Faculty Name: Mr. Digvijay
Control Strategies for Power Convertors Involving Predictive Control. Hosted by Presented at National Conference IAEAS.
Faculty Name: Tripti Gupta
A show case on- Revolutionary journey of telecom in India .Hosted by issue of Market logy on Service Marketing .
Broad banding - Leveraging the Compensation Management. Hosted by Prabandhan Volume -2
Customer centric organization hosted by Prabandhan Volume – 4.
Faculty Name: Vivek Parashar
Conceptual Framework of Evangelism Marketing & Sustainable competitive Advantage Hosted by Prabandhan Volume:3